Thursday, October 16, 2008


Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add a link to your blog when you comment, that would be GREAT! we go!


1. Follow the _____________.
2. _________ is something I always take with me on vacation.
3. To achieve your goals, you must __________.
4. _____________ is something I'd like you to know about me.
5. I have a ______________.
6. ________ floats.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


bundle-o-contradictions said...

Mine will be up @ the witching hour! ;)

Wordy said...

my fill-in this week:

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up at midnight :)

Dawn said...

Mine is up right Here!!

Unknown said...

I'm up now too and early (for me!)

Anonymous said...

It's fill-in time again! Happy Friday. Will be posting in awhile.

Anonymous said...

i posted mine here.

happy friday everyone! have a great weekend.

Jodi said...

Mine is up.


Ms. Val said...

It's here! Friday is finally here!

My Fill-Ins will be up at 12:00 PDT:

The Fluffy Pink Blog

Anonymous said...

Up here and there.

gem said...

my post will be up at 7 a.m. on friday:

Unknown said...

mine is up!

Anonymous said...

Mine is posted HERE. Happy FF!

One Proud Mama said...

My first time here! I'm up!

Piggy said...

Mine will be up at midnight :) Happy Friday everyone & have a wonderful weekend!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is here

Happy weekend everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:

Anonymous said...

its friday again! mine is UP

enjoy the weekend!

Kristine Kate said...

Mine will be Up at exactly 2pm or before. Happy Weekend! Mwah!!!

Caryl said...

mine is here.

happy friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine will appear around 6 a.m. I will not appear before 9 however as it's my day off & I'm sleeping in!

SmilingSally said...

My fill-ins are up at midnight.

YellowRose said...

I am all filled in!!! Happy weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Joe said...

Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
Follow, follow, follow, follow!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up!!

The Wifey's Journal said...

mine's up at

LEA said...

Mine's up early! Wow~now that's surprising!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready!

Jodi said...

I played too!!!

Julie said...

Did mine hours ago but forgot to wander over here....

Stacy said...

Mine is up!gn

Anonymous said...

Already up!

Early for me, too.

Have a great weekend everyone!

cmw said...

I played.

Melissa said...

Happy Friday!
Mine are up!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

posted my fill ins here

Lynda said...

Mine's up. Have agood weekend everyone!

Rach said...

mine's up :-)

Billy Rhythm said...


cheatymoon said...

Thanks Janet - mine is up.
Go Red Sox.
Have a great weekend

Christine Duff said...

Happy Friday!

Life Scraps and Patches said...

My answers are posted. Happy Friday, everybody.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Lisa said...


Melli said...

Mine is up!

Jodi said...

Mine are up! You can find them here

Lucy said...

wow, these were difficult this morning!
thanks for the challenge Janet!

sally906 said...

Mine is up here:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Have a good weekend!

Stylish Stitches said...

Mine are up

Anonymous said...

Mine is finally up! Have a great weekend everyone!!

Linda said...

Mine are up :)

Home Daycare Mom said...

Mine's up!

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

Mine's up!

Berleen said...

Mines' up! Have a great wknd everyone!

LarryG said...

See my
Fill-in here.

Karen said...

up and blogging, check it out!

Anonymous said...

Better late then never!

Florinda said...

Friday, filled-in :-). Have a great weekend!

Jerralea said...

Here's mine, too:

Unknown said...

mine is up!

Amber said...

I've posted mine

abrowncow said...

hey, i did 'em! i know! can you believe it? =)

ShannonW said...

Mine are posted...Here.

Have a great weekend.

OMH said...

Mine are up......and you are invited to come view!

Ari_1965 said...

Mine is up. Best wishes.

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :} mine is up :}

Danielle said...

Mine are up! Have a wonderful weekend!

Jodi said...

HI :)
Mine are now up..Thanks!! Have a great weekend!

262mom said...


Barb said...

mine is up too.... have a great weekend....

Smallblogger said...

Mine's up!! I liked this one...

MySharonAnne said...

here is mine:

Stephie said...

Mine is up here.

Amarie said...

Have a great weekend!

Deb R said...

Mine's up here.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! :)

Heather and Reese said...

Mine is up


Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

meee tooooo

Ronnie said...

Happy Friday!

Sonya said...

I'm back, I'm back!!! Geez, I can't believe I missed last weeks! :)

Happy Friday and Weekend to everyone!
Hugs Janet! Thanks again for the fun!


Barbara said...

Yay!!! TGIF everyone!

TopHat said...

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

mine is up now!

hapy week-end everyone!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!

Butchay said...

mine was just filled!!

Stephanie said...

Mine is up!

L^2 said...

Mine is up HERE!

Shana said...

Got mine up early today! Yay, now I can go read everyone else's and not be tempted to tally rip off the cleverness.

Anonymous said...

#4 for me! Woo hooo!

HomeMadeOriginals said...

Here's mine, first time posting:

Paula said...

Mine are up.....

beastmomma said...

I made it in the first 100. Here are my responses:

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm also up.
Let see if I can think of a least one new one.

I hope to________in about______days.

Kimber said...

First time playing along. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up shortly

T.Allen said...

I'm in have a great weekend!

Lisa said...

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

GirlyWithATwist said...

I just got mine up. Happy weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

I played too - I especially the floats fill-in.
Have a happy weekend.

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Friday and weekend!

Mindful Mimi said...

Mine is up

Creative Writing Club said...

It's the end of the day, but I got mine posted!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Terri said...

Here's my post for today. TGIF!

JO said...


Here's mine... thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Drat, forgot to post that mine's up!

Unknown said...

Mine are up too ::here::

It's the first time, so be patient with me.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I just put my first one up.

Yasmin said...

Here's my link:

Lite }{ said...

love it!
I'm coming back every Friday!

Nicki said...

Mines up - bit late but up

Phoenix said...

Happy Friday! :)

Mine is up:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

RainbowDishes said...

I am running behind this week! Mine is finally up, but it definitely wasn't my best work! Have a great weekend everybody! :)

christina ina said...

Just posted!

Amy said...

My answers are up! :)

NoBS said...

I up for the first time with this meme!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! On time this week, too :)

CJ said...

Almost forgot but mine is finally up here.

Hope y'all have an excellent weekend!


Brenda Susan said...

Mine is up! Still learning how to do this, maybe I'll get it right next Friday! Come see.

Anonymous said...

Mine's up late. :-)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Follow the _stars, they'll take you interesting places_.
2. _Music (and a book)_ is something I always take with me on vacation.
3. To achieve your goals, you must _stay focused on what your goal is_.
4. _I'm crappy about budgeting (but I want another tattoo)_ is something I'd like you to know about me.
5. I have a _monster headache right now_.
6. _Hope_ floats.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _not feeling so crappy from my asthma attack today_, tomorrow my plans include _pumpkin carving!_ and Sunday, I want to _go to CTRF with my sweetie_!

Happy weekend, Janet!

The Bookworm said...

mine is up here

tommie said...

Whew hoo....just in time! Happy Friday, y'all

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Had a great time with these!

Anonymous said...


Claudia said...

mine's here

darly said...

sorry m super late

Saffy said...

I need to learn to submit these rather than save them :)

Flea said...

What a fun meme! I'll link.

Terri said...

Happy Hallowe'en!