Thursday, October 23, 2008


Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add a link to your blog when you comment, that would be GREAT! It makes coming to see your post so much easier, seeing as how sometimes I don't get the chance to do so until late in the weekend, by which time y'all have posted other entries and I have to search and search...

Sorry I couldn't get around to seeing most of you last week; my internet access was non-existent (router problem) and it didn't get fixed until Tuesday! we go!


1. Right now, I'm feeling _____________.
2. _________ is where I want to be.
3. How does one __________?
4. _____________ keeps me on track.
5. Please don't ______________.
6. ________ fills me with joy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


Wordy said...

Hi all, have a nice weekend. My fill-ins:

Nicki said...

Mine are done!

Thanks for this.

cheatymoon said...

Up at midnight. Thanks Janet and have a great weekend!!

gem said...

my fill-ins will be up at 7 a.m. on friday!

SmilingSally said...

I'm up at midnight EST.
Happy Friday Fill-ins!

Jodi said...

Mine will be up right after midnight.

Happy Weekend Everyone! YAY!!

Kristine Kate said...

Mine will be up in 2 hours!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up HERE. Hope to see you there! Happy FF!~

cmw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YellowRose said...

I am all filled in!! Fun questions, as always!!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Mine is here, have a happy weekend everyone and hope to see you there! :)

262mom said...

HUzZaH !!!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are ready! Have a great weekend everyone.

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Friday! Fill! Ins! (And you don't have to wait 'til midnight tonight, either!) :)

One Proud Mama said...

My second time around!

Brenda Susan said...

Woo-hoo I did it right at last!

Cathy said...

Here are my answers. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Anonymous said...

up at midnight.

Kristine Kate said...

I'm done! :)

Anonymous said...

Here and there.

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up first thing in the morning!

The Wifey's Journal said...

Done with the fill-ins...

Enjoy the weekend!

Heather said...

I played :)

Sheeshintx said...

Mine is up. Thanks Janet and everyone have a great weekend!

Jack said...

Missed last weeks Fill Ins... up early this week :)

Joe said...


Anonymous said...

I missed last week, but it's early and it's up this week...yippeee skippee.

Trixie M. said...

I'm up..happy weekend! =)

Karen said...

Have a great weekend and come visit!!

Biscuit said...

Fantastic - I finally found you! I'm an eager newbie! : )
Happy Friday (in two hours...)

Lindsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stacy said...

Mine is up!

Danielle said...

Mine will be up tomorrow! Good questions, made me think this time! Have a great one.

Anonymous said...

Mine are up now since I am scooting off to vegas for the weekend bright and early tomorrow.

Moxy Jane said...

Mine are scheduled to post at midnight...I just figured out how to do that!!

I missed doing this last week. It feels good to be back;-)

Have a great week-end.

Moxy Jane

Melissa said...

Happy Friday!

Mine are up!

Paula said...

Mine are posted.

stephanie said...

I'm in this week (midnight PST). Thanks, Janet :D

Happy Friday, all.

Anonymous said...

mine's up

Anonymous said...

just posted mine.
Have a great weekend!!

Jodi said...

Mine are almost there!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up! Happy Friday everyone!

Haze said...

happy weekend!

Terri said...

Happy Friday, everyone! My fill-in is here.

Thorne said...

FF # 1 up! What fun! I hope you'll stop by!

NoBS said...

I'm up!

Anonymous said...

TGIF! ;)

mine's up HERE

Julie said...


Sherrie said...

My Fill-Ins are posted. If you want to take a look they are here:
Take Care!!


Butchay said...

mine is here!!! :)

jillconyers said...

My first FFI!

Rach said...

Happy Friday everyone, mine's up :-)

Jasra/Lisa said...

1. Right now, I'm feeling _chilly (just got out of my nice warm bed)_.
2. _Snuggled up against my sweetie_ is where I want to be.
3. How does one _avoid all of the zombies in World of Warcraft_?
4. _Mostly I_ keep me on track.
5. Please don't _click your pen or I'm gonna smack you_.
6. _Waking up with James_ fills me with joy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _hanging out at home_, tomorrow my plans include _a party with people I haven't seen in a while_ and Sunday, I want to _have breakfast with one of those friends I haven't seen enough of lately_!

Happy weekend, Miss J! :D

Jodi said...

Mine can be found here.

Shonda said...

Here is mine:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Happy Friday, everyone. My answers are up.

Tami @ This Mom's Delight said...

Visit here or just click on my name to make your way to my blog. I love this!

Lisa said...

Mine's Done.

Anonymous said...

mine is up too here


Ms. Val said...

I'm up now!

The Fluffy Pink Blog.

Billy Rhythm said...

I'm up, though I feel my answers this week aren't all that interesting. (I got in late last night.)

Anonymous said...

Here is my Fill-ins. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs, Sandy

Unknown said...

Have a great weekend. I have posted my fill-in.

Michelle said...

mine are done

K Dubs said...

Thank you, love the questions this week, and we missed you last week! I just went back to an old one that I'd never seen before - it was all new to me! :)

Susan G. said...

TGIF ! Have a great weekend ! My first week doing Fill-in Friday !

Clarence said...

Hurrah for weekends!

Dawn said...

Mine is up right here!!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :-)

Sandra Collins said...

First time posting these - how cool here's mine

Amber said...

Got mine up :o)
Happy Friday everyone!

Kimber said...

Mine are done!

Heather said...

Hi Have a great weekend.
mine is heretwoaugustgirls

Lisa said...

Anonymous said...

Happy weekend to all!

beth said...

morning. mine just went up. thanks for looking.

Melli said...

Mine is UP!

Heather and Reese said...

Mine is up!

Have a nice weekend everyone!



Cat. said...

I missed last week, but I'm back again with answers today. Have a good 'un!

Barb said...

I have mine done and up....have a great weekend

Jerralea said...

Happy Friday!

My fill-ins are here:

Lucy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy said...

hope u can pop on by! :)

ShannonW said...

Happy Friday!

I am posted HERE

Have a great weekend.

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :} Mine is up

MySharonAnne said...

My turn:

Linda said...

My is up.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Shana said...

90 comments already... it's 7:41 am, people! I thought I was an early bird. Stupid West Coast time.

Mine are done:

Sara said...

I'm in...

Phoenix said...

Happy Friday Fill Ins! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

Here is mine:

cmw said...

Ack! I had a link misfire. SORRY. Here's mine -- Friday Filled-In

Thanks Smiling Sal for the heads up.

Piggy said...

Mine are up :)
Have a great weekend everyone!

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine's up!

Anonymous said...

Here are my answers...

Amarie said...

Have a great weekend!

And here:

Jaden Paige said...

Hellloooo there and happy friday! Mine's up! http:/

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

I'm running late, but mine's finally up! TGIF!

Polly said...

My first fill-ins.

Feel free to vote on the poll to the side as well!

LarryG said...

Proud to be comment 102!
Here is my Fill-in

Bobbi said...

This week ended up sort of funny:

Have a great weekend ya'll!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up! I'm thrilled to once again join this meme.

I will visit you back when you leave a comment. God bless and have a lovely weekend, everyone! :D

Friday Fill-Ins #4

RainbowDishes said...

Finally got mine posted. Have a great weekend!

RainbowDishes Journal

christina ina said...

I'm up!

Lisa G said...

You can find my Friday Fill-Ins at:

Unknown said...

Happy Friday everyone!
Here is my very first Friday Fill-Ins blog! Enjoy!


tanabata said...

I'm filled in.

TopHat said...

i just realized it's Friday! Mine's up at

4streegrrl said...

My fill-in is complete and posted here

Susan said...

Mine are up, sorry I missed last week!

Anonymous said...

My head wasn't working last night, apparently. The Muse Asylum's post is up.

~**Dawn**~ said...

I played this week!

Deanne said...

Have a great weekend everyone!

My fill-in is up here:

Buddhist, RN said...

I definitely looked forward to this today!

JCB said...

My entry is posted! Stop on in :)

SueFitz said...

Have left on all my blogs.

Unknown said...

Got mine up this week!

mandaroo63 said...

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

Here's my link.
friday fill in

Anonymous said...

All done :)

Anonymous said...

Mine are up! :)

Bonita Rose said...

this was so much fun!

Anonymous said...

CCT girl said...


Anonymous said...

Here we go!

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Ooops! I forgot to let you know - mine's up.

Balou said...

Here's mine:

darly said...

I'm up

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Sleepypete said...

Mine are now in :-)

Not done one of these for far too long ...

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up! Just visit here

Unknown said...

Mine are up...finally!

gigi said...

i'm back! it's been a while, i've missed doing friday fill-ins!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Margy said...

My first time!

beastmomma said...

Mine are posted:

Theresa said...

I look so forward to Fridays!!

sally906 said...

Mine is up finally :)

Anonymous said...

Getting in really really late because I worked today!

Lee said...

That was fun!
My Personal Blog: Lemons2Lemonade

Kwizgiver said...

Have a great weekend!

JenB said...

Hi! I joined your fun today!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up.

Penny Lane

teabird said...

Gal Friday said...

I missed last week's Fill-In, but I am playing along this week. :-)

Bela said...

here is mine:

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julie said...

Happy Friday to ALL!!! Come visit my blog:)

Amy said...


Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

I am a little late today but I have posted. Happy Friday everyone!

Yasmin said...

TGIF everyone...and my FF is's the link:

frizzyeatworld said...

So happy it's the weekend. :D Cheers everyone!

Unknown said...

My fill ins are ::here::.

Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mine are up!!! actually they were up hours ago, but I forgot t comment here!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

This is my first Friday Fill in! This was fun and I hope to do it again. Thanks!

Barbara said...

Happy Friday!

tommie said...

Finally got this up....happy weekend, y'all!

eMJay said...

Mine's done!

Youcan find it here.

Have a lovely weekend.

Jodi said...

Mine is up, finally.


♥SomethingPurple♥ said...

Mine is up!

Happy Weekend Y'all!

CJ said...

Late but done!

Find mine here


Knittymuggins said...

Mine is up! You can see it here :)

Thanks for the fun & have a great weekend!


allison said...

It was my first time playing along. Thank you very much.

Mikki said...

Love it! Second time doing it and love it!! THanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm only a day late this time.... but here's my post for this week.

Anonymous said...

I'm a "newbie". This sounds like great fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, where did the week go?? Here are my answers..late. Have a great rest of the weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

Mine have been up for about a day, but I forgot to leave a comment - I think!

Muchelle said...

Forgot to post that mine's done!

Hepburn Hilton said...

Hope you had a good weekend! I am a first time player.

♥ mommy author ♥ said...

mine is up!