Thursday, October 2, 2008


Those of you with multiple blogs or private blogs...if you could add a link to your blog when you comment, that would be GREAT! we go!


1. October ______________.
2. _________ scare me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it's __________.
4. My favorite horror movie is _____________ because _____________.
5. _____________ = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night ________.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!


cheatymoon said...

Up at midnight. Thanks Janet! Have a fabulous weekend.

cmw said...

I'm UP!!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Clarence said...

Here's my offering. Have a fab weekend everyone.

Julie said...

Done :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is up a weeee bit early, but it's there. Fun as always!

~ Mhay ~ said...

Here's my entry for this week. Happy Friday everyone!

Wordy said...

mine's here:

bundle-o-contradictions said...

How's this for suspense: you'll have to wait 'til midnight for mine! :)

262mom said...


Rach said...

coo, i'm one of the first ones this week! :-)

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up a lot earlier in the morning than I will & I'm sure I did it right this time!

Anonymous said...

Posted my answers HERE. Happy FF!~

Anonymous said...

Mine will be up at Midnight EST.
Thanks and have a great weekend.

Diana_CT said...

My answers are posted here.

Have a good weekend :)

sara said...

Mine is up too!

YellowRose said...

I'm filled in!!

Have a great weekend!

Danielle said...

I did mine! Scheduled to post tomorrow! Thanks :)

Stacy said...

Mine is up now!

SmilingSally said...

Mine is scheduled to be up at midnight. Come visit, and I promise I'll return the favor.

Ari_1965 said...

Mine will be up on Friday morning. Thank you.

~Swankymama said...

Up at midnight here!!! Thanks Janet!

Joe said...


Yasmin said...

Mine is up:

Kristine Kate said...

Mine's Up! :)

Jodi said...

Mine will be up at midnight too :)

T.Allen said...

my post is scheduled for midnight! thanks for the warm welcome last week from all who stopped by-i think i'm going to like it here!

have an awesome weekend all...

Piggy said...

Yay, mine will be up at midnight! Hope everyone has a Happy Friday & a Wonderful Weekend :)

Julia said...

To be posted at midnight. Thanks

Karen said...

I'm back and up and going!!

Anonymous said...

My post is here

Anonymous said...

Up here and here.

Jodi said...

Mine is up!!!! These were such spooky questions!

Anonymous said...

Posted my answers HERE.

Happy Friday everyone!

Haze said...

here's mine! MINE

great friday to you guys!

Forgetfulone said...

Here's mine!

Anonymous said...

Did it, but I'm too flippin' lazy to do one of those linky things, but not too lazy to make this long drawn out excuse.


Anonymous said...

Here's mine for this week.

Anonymous said...

I've just been filled in! Happy Friday everyone!

alishka babushka said...

i'm in! 8 am!

Anonymous said...

Happy weekend!

Lynda said...

Mine's up:

frizzyeatworld said...

Mine are up! Happy October, everyone. ;)


Ozzy's Mom said...

THIS was fun! enjoy the weekend!

CJ said...

Geez! It's just now 5 in the a.m. and there are already 45 comments here! I'm working the night shift - what's up with the rest of you people?

Anyway, my answers are here.

Have a good weekend, all!


Sherrie said...

Hi everyone,
My Friday Fill-Ins are posted. You can find them here:

Just click on Sherries Ramdom Thoughts and it will take you there. Take Care!!


Anonymous said...

mine is here.

have a great friday everyone!

Jodi said...

Mine is you,you can find it here

Maria's Space said...

Have a great weekend everyone.

Anonymous said...

i hope im not late in submitting my entry here

Life Scraps and Patches said...

I'm there. Thanks, Janet. Have a good weekend, everyone.

Gal Friday said...

My Fill-in is up!

Anonymous said...

My post is up. Happy Friday everyone!

Anonymous said...

I decided to take part! Link should be clickable on my name =)

Trixie M. said...

I'm up...=)

Unknown said...

I've posted!

Lisa said...

Billy Rhythm said...


Jasra/Lisa said...

Playing in your sandbox again:

1. October _it a time of beautiful colors_.
2. _Watching politics_ scares me!
3. Leaves are falling all around, it's _sunny and a good time for a walk_.
4. My favorite horror movie is _____________ because _____________. [I don't like horror movies.]
5. _My recent trip to NJ (oh, I should post those pictures!)_ = good memories.
6. It was a dark and stormy night _so I curled up on the couch with a blanket and my book_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _going to Build-a-Bear_, tomorrow my plans include _a friend's birthday_ and Sunday, I want to _spend the day with my boy_!

Happy weekend, Miss Janet!

Liza said...

Mine is up!!

Anonymous said...


Literary Feline said...

Mine is up. Have a good Friday!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:

Have a gerat weekend!

Anonymous said...

posted mine, I almost forgot about it *gasp*

ShannonW said...

Mine is posted...Here...have a great weekend.

Berleen said...

My first time playing! Fun!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up here:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I messed up the link -- I'm clearly not awake yet! If you click on my name it will get you to where mine is posted -- sigh.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I'm up! Happy Friday!

Florinda said...

Happy Fill-in Friday :-)!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up!

Have a great weekend!

Creative Writing Club said...

Good Fill-ins this week, Kathy. Have a great weekend.

JO said...

TGIF! here's mine!

Bellezza said...

My Fill-Ins are here:

I'll see you after school gets out!

Ms.Scartastic said...

All done! Have a great weekend!

Stand Naked in the Light

Kwizgiver said...

Great questions! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Madeleine said...

Hi Janet :}

I put mine up,

Have a nice week-end

Sheeshintx said...

Have a great Friday! Thanks Janet! Good questions this week.

OMH said...

Mine's here!

Anonymous said...

It is UP! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's #3 for me!

Barb said...

mine's up.

LarryG said...

Hey I'm no 86!
See it at Fillin'

HUGS around...

TopHat said...

I've posted at

Anonymous said...

Mine's finally up. :-) Happy Friday everyone! I love Fall!

Come check out Fun Monday! :-)

Jerralea said...

Here's mine!

Michelle said...

mine are up!

Lapdog Creations said...

Mine is up!

Melli said...

Mine are up! Here I come!

Ms. Val said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms. Val said...

I finally got mine up!

The Fluffy Pink Blog

mandaroo63 said...

Oh my! 95 links! Crazy!!!

Here's mine:
friday fill in

,,,, said...

Mine's up :o)

Unknown said...

Mine's up!

Sonya said...

Just posted mine!!!! Have a great weekend everyone and again, Thanks Janet!!! And thanks for always stopping by to see the answers!

Much love to all!

Barb said...

ok mine is up now too...
have a great weekend

Barbara said...

Great questions =)

Anonymous said...

I'm always late to the party!


Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...


Regina Bertrand said...

This is so fun! I am up and ready to be viewed!

Sarah said...

Here's mine:


Anonymous said...

Mine are up :D

Jack said...

107 Comments...Wow!
Here is my contribution :)

Anonymous said...

Mine's late but it's up now..

Mrs. Random said...

Ta Da! Here's my first fill-in!

ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

mine is up!!!

click here

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

Stephie said...

Hi I'm new... here's mine.

Saffy said...

Back again this week! Mine's here.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine. Thanks for the fun.

Tasha said...

I am back! I also have a recipe.

Lindsay said...

Wow, it feels like I've been gone a lot longer than a week! FFI are up at The Muse Asylum!

Have a great weekend!

jlshall said...

A little late, but I'm here!

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Forgot to let you know that I'm up with my 2nd FFI.

gigi said...

i apparently am late with my post - but here it is! happy friday!

Lady K said...

i'm late, but mine is up now ^^

sally906 said...

Mine is finally up :)

AJ said...

I have mine up!

darly said...

up a day later.

gem said...

i posted here:


threesidesofcrazy said...

Mine are Ready. :)

smariek said...

Mine is up, you can see it here.

It's in badly written French (still learning), with English at the bottom.

Anonymous said...

I'm playing for my first time.

Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

I'm Up!

Sara said...

Mine is going up right now...

Buddhist, RN said...

I look forward to this every week!

Dawn said...

Mine is up right here.

Gayle said...

Happy Friday! I'm finally finished!

Visit Me Here!

K Dubs said...

Here we go! Kathy Great as always :) Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

Lisa said...

Im a Friday Fill-Ins virgin. WooHoo.

Phoenix said...

This is my first Friday Fill-Ins and I really enjoyed myself! I hope to be joining you all every Friday!

Here is mine:

GirlyWithATwist said...

Mine is up!!! Happy weekend ya'll.

Aggie said...


Moxy Jane said...

(drum rooooooollllll!) Mine are UP!!
I like it when the questions have a bit of a theme to them. FUN!

Jodi said...

Finally, mine is up!


tommie said...

Finally got this posted.....Happy Friday, y'all!

cindysloveofbooks said...

here is mine

non compos mentis said...

MIne is up though so late...

chikku :)

Kelly Keating-Caraway said...

Finally posted mine.... better late than never

inukshuk71 said...

I put up my very first Friday fill-in at
Thanks for sharing this idea! It was fun,

Random Nicole said...

My first time!

That was fun.

Lucy said...

I liked these!
they made me hungry!

marianne said...

I played - mine is here.

Anonymous said...

It was a dark and stormy night... and I finished my fill-ins:

Kerri said...

mines up

michelle said...

I"m new!

beastmomma said...

I am late, but mine are up:

Butchay said...

better late than never!

happy weekend to all!

alisonwonderland said...

mine is up!